Welcome to Natural Wonders Perfumes Distribution. If you are an existing user of our wholesale website, please log in using your approved credential, and if you are new visitor please create a profile by registering which also require business license and corporation documentations for our review and approval.

Natural Wonders Perfumes Distribution must approve your profile before you can view wholesale page and pricing, which normally takes 24 to 48 hours. Please visit our retail page if you intend to purchase smaller quantity. You can always call or email us for expatiated service, also to obtain wholesale pricing.

Why I need to create account:

Logging in is usually used to enter a specific page (protected page), which trespassers cannot see. Once the user is logged in, the login token may be used to track what actions the user has taken while connected to the site. Logging out may be performed explicitly by the user taking some actions, such as entering the appropriate command, or clicking a website link labelled as such. It can also be done implicitly, such as by the user powering off his or her workstation, closing a web browser window, leaving a website, or not refreshing a webpage within a defined period.

